Integrated Management System

Integrated Management System

Integrated Management System

The management and employees of the Coreal Aluminum Cable family have adopted the principle of complying with the management system conditions, all relevant laws and regulations by keeping the quality, environment, occupational health and safety in the foreground.

It is our principle to meet the needs and expectations of our customers by producing our products in line with standards, supporting our portfolio with innovative products, protecting the environment, reducing the waste to the environment, and using natural resources in the most efficient way, without sacrificing quality. In this context, our biggest aim is to use sustainable resources, to reduce climate change and to protect the ecosystem.


To fulfill the requirements of legal and other conditions regarding occupational health and safety, to perform successfully for continuous improvement, to identify, prevent, reduce and eliminate the threats that may cause occupational accidents and occupational diseases for our employees and visitors, to increase the awareness of sustainable work health and safety by evaluating the risk of the employees to have a good job health awareness, to be determined as a common responsibility by all employees, and to evaluate the risks and opportunities,  creating a strong occupational health and safety culture, taking into account the needs and expectations of the parties involved, contributing to the implementation and development of all employees, employee representatives and visitors,

We seek to improve the performance of the management system through the leadership of top management, the involvement of staff and employee representatives, both in terms of customer satisfaction and environmental perspective, by finding solutions to the root cause of nonconformities and preventing duplication.


General Manager

Atalay Kılıç

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